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The online survey service has been developed at the Work Research Centre of the Tampere University to provide a tool for preparing mandatory equality plans in workplaces as well as for collecting research data. The target group of the online survey service is Finnish workplaces in the private and public sectors.

Mindcom Oy is responsible for the technical realization of the service, which is funded by the Ombudsman for Equality.

The equality survey helps workplaces to gather information on the personnel’s views and experiences on working overtime, occupational development and career advancement, working atmosphere and management, coping with workload, sexual harassment and abuse, workplace bullying, balancing work and family life, and equality.

After the set time for the survey has ended, the administrator prints the automated report concerning the workplace, in which the distribution of the responses is always reported by gender and, in addition, optionally by age or group of personnel. The anonymity of the respondents is protected also through reporting restrictions: if there are fewer than five responses in any background variable category (gender, age, personnel group), the result is not shown. A minimum of 20 respondents’ responses is required for the printing of the result report by workplace.

The survey is primarily focused on producing the result of the equality situation in the workplace. The workplace can conduct the survey only once or repeat it. The anonym responses of the workplace are accumulated as comparable data which the survey administrators can print.

The survey produces data for the national equality research of the Work Place Research Centre.

The researchers in charge are Minna Leinonen and Katja Uosukainen. It is not possible to recognize individual workplaces from the data.